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School Board

About School Board Meetings

The public is welcomed to all School Board meetings. Agendas for each meeting will be posted on the district website, Meetings are the second and third Thursday of the month, August through June, except for December. December meetings are the first Monday and the second or third Thursday. Each meeting has at least one public comment section at the end of the agenda. If you prefer to share your comment in writing with the full Board, please email the message to the Board Secretary at Please feel free to contact Mrs. Marshall via email or phone (717-735-1730) if you have any questions or seek additional information.

The district will continue to livestream for viewing purposes only.  Anyone wishing to address the board during public comment will need to be in-person.

About the School Board

The Manheim Township School Board of Directors is made up of nine community members elected to serve four-year terms. Public board meetings are held the second and third Thursdays of each month, except July and December, with additional meetings scheduled as needed. Board members also hold board development and workshop sessions throughout the year.

At times our School Board may need to attend Executive Session meetings. The Pennsylvania Sunshine Act, 65 Pa. C.S. 701, requires that official action and deliberations by a quorum of the Board and most committees take place at a meeting that is open to the public. Under the Pennsylvania Sunshine Act there are three exceptions to the general rule that meetings must take place in public. Those three exceptions are:

  1. Executive Sessions – A school district is permitted to hold an executive session for specific purposes that will be described later in this memo.
  2. Conferences – A school district is authorized to participate in a conference, which need not be open to the public, where there is no deliberation of agency business. For example, if the Board were listening to an administrative presentation on a particular subject and there will be no deliberation on the subject, it could be done through conference.
  3. Certain Working Sessions – Boards of auditors may conduct working sessions not open to the public for the purposes of examining, analyzing, discussing, and deliberating the various accounts and records with the Boards who are responsible, so long as official action with respect to the audit would take place at a public meeting.

The following are the only reasons for an executive session:

  1. Discussions of any matter involving the employment, appointment, termination of employment, terms and conditions of employment, evaluation of performance, promotion, or disciplining of any employee or similar issues.
  2. To hold information, strategy, and negotiating sessions relating to the negotiation or arbitration of a collective bargaining agreement or any issues relating to discussions pertaining to compensation plans.
  3. To consider the purchase or lease of property up to the time an option to purchase or lease is obtained or up to the time an agreement to purchase or lease such property is obtained.
  4. To consult with an attorney or other professional advisor relating to information or strategy in connection with litigation or with an issue in which there is a specific complaint or one expected to be filed.
  5. To review items if discussed in public would violate a privacy right, the attorney/client privilege, or some other type of privilege or lead to the disclosure of information or confidentiality protected by law, including matters relating to the conduct of investigations of violations of law, or deliberations relating to a student expulsion, an employee termination, or any item that would violate the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.
  6. To plan, review or discuss matters related to school safety if a public discussion would be reasonably likely to impair the effectiveness of such measures; or create a likelihood of jeopardizing the safety or security of an individual or a school, including a building, public utility, resource, infrastructure, facility or information storage system.

These issues are discussed in Executive Sessions. Discussions that take place in Executive Session are to remain confidential. The purpose of the Executive Session must be declared at a public Board meeting. The public must be afforded the opportunity to address the Board before any action is taken.

School board members work together, through cooperative and effective leadership, to maintain and advance the quality and effectiveness of Manheim Township School district’s educational program.

School board members are elected by the community, volunteers serving the district without pay.

Back Left to Right: Vice President Patrick Grenter, School Director JoAnn Hentz, Board President Sara Woodbury, School Director Erin Hoffman, School Director Dr. Terrance Henderson; Front Left to Right: School Director Cindy Lam, School Director Michael Landis, School Director Mark Boldizar, School Director Kim Romano

Manheim Township School Board, 2024

Back Left to Right:
Vice President Patrick Grenter, School Director JoAnn Hentz,  Board President Sara Woodbury, School Director Erin Hoffman, School Director Dr. Terrance Henderson

Front Left to Right:
School Director Cindy Lam, School Director Michael Landis, School Director Mark Boldizar, School Director Kim Romano

Your School Board Members

Board President
Sara Woodbury

Sara Woodbury
  • Partner School:
    Landis Run
  • Elected: 12/4/2023
  • Term expires: 2027
Email Sara Woodbury
Vice President
Patrick Grenter

Patrick Grenter
  • Partner School:
    Schaeffer Elementary
  • Elected: 12/4/2023
  • Term expires: 2027
Email Patrick Grenter
Board Member
Mark Boldizar

Mark Boldizar
  • Partner School:
    Brecht Elementary
  • Elected: 12/4/2023
  • Term expires: 2027
Email Mark Boldizar
Board Member
Dr. Terrance Henderson

Dr. Terrance Henderson
  • Partner School:
    High School
  • Elected: 12/4/2023
  • Term expires: 2027
Email Terrance Henderson
Board Member
JoAnn Hentz

Dr. Terrance Henderson
  • Partner School:
    Neff Elementary
  • Elected: 12/4/2017
  • Re-elected: 12/2/2019
  • Re-elected: 12/4/2023
  • Term expires: 2027
Email JoAnn Hentz
Board Member
Erin Hoffman

Erin Hoffman
  • Partner School:
    Middle School
  • Elected: 12/6/2021
  • Term expires: 2025
Email Erin Hoffman
Board Member
Cindy Lam

Cindy Lam
  • Partner School:
    Bucher Elementary
  • Appointed: 12/13/2024
  • Term expires: 2025
Email Cindy Lam
Board Member
Michael Landis

Michael Landis
  • Partner School:
    Nitrauer Elementary
  • Elected: 12/6/2021
  • Term expires: 2025
Email Michael Landis
Board Member
Kim Romano

Kim Romano
  • Partner School:
    Reidenbaugh Elementary
  • Elected: 12/6/2021
  • Term expires: 2025
Email Kim Romano
Board Secretary
Colleen Marshall

Email Colleen Marshall

Right to Know

Act 3 of 2008, the revised Right to Know Law, provides for access to public records.

The school district’s Right to Know Officer is Dr. Dale Reimann, Acting Superintendent.

Right to know requests can be directed to:

Fax: 717-735-1744
Mail: Dr. Dale Reimann, PO Box 5134, Lancaster PA 17606-5134
Costs: $.25 per page for copies plus actual cost of postage

The PA Office of Open Records has been established to enforce the law and to serve as a resource for citizens. The PA Office of Open Records can be found at

The Right To Know Request Form can be downloaded here.

Manheim Township School District School Board Policy 801 regarding Public Records is available here.

Questions may be directed to Colleen Marshall at 717-735-1730.