About Schaeffer Elementary School
Your Neighborhood School
Located in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Schaeffer's location in Grandview Heights, its close proximity to Manheim Township park facilities, and the large number of students who live within walking distance of the school contribute to the sense of ownership and community integration that all feel upon visiting our building. This special feeling is made stronger by the dedicated staff and large number of parents who volunteer on a daily and weekly basis in our school. As a small neighborhood school, Schaeffer has made full use of the opportunities readily available to reach out to the community for learning experiences, and interchange with neighbors. Our community garden, local field trips, use of parents and neighbors as tutors, and presence of Brownies, Cub Scouts, and community groups using the school facilities after school hours mark Schaeffer as a well-integrated member of the neighborhood. We are striving to make Schaeffer not just an elementary school, but a community learning center.

Schaeffer Elementary School
Common Questions
Student Day
The student day officially starts at 9:00 a.m. Children may arrive at school between 8:45-9:00 a.m. Students will not be able to enter the building before 8:45 a.m. (Exceptions include special activities that occasionally occur prior to the school day.)
Supervision is not available prior to 8:45 a.m., as the office staff, teachers & administrators are often in meetings or getting ready for the day. Students should not be dropped off or sent to school prior to 8:45 am. We do have an on-site childcare program called Envisions that opens at 7:00 a.m. Please contact them at 569-0796 if your child needs care prior to 8:45 a.m.

Visitor parking spots are available in the lot next to the elementary school. There is no parking or student drop-off permitted in the bus lane. This is the longer lane located directly in front of the building. This lane has to remain free for our buses, delivery vehicles and emergency vehicles. If students are driven to school, please use our drop off loop directly next to the parking lot. Cars should only stop long enough to allow children to safely exit the vehicle. Cars should not be parked in the drop off area. If you need to stay at the school longer, please park your car in the parking lot on the left side of the building.
All visitors must enter the school through the front doors of the building, as all other doors are kept locked for our students' safety. Visitors also need to sign in at the office when they visit. Please be ready to show identification.

Breakfast & Lunch
The cost of a student lunch is $2.20. You may prepay for your child’s lunch by sending in a check made payable to Manheim Township School District (or MTSD) or cash. Please include the name of the child and teacher on the memo part of the check. You may also utilize the online School Cafe online program. The cost of a student breakfast is $1.45.
Please see the ELEMENTARY STUDENT/PARENT HANDBOOK for a thorough explanation of attendance guidelines. Students are permitted into the school and their classrooms at 8:45 am with attendance being taken at 9:00 am. Any student entering their classroom after 9:00 am is considered to be tardy. All students who arrive after 9:00 am need to stop in the office with a written excuse signed by their parent/guardian/doctor. When a student is absent, he or she needs to bring in a written excuse on the day they return to school. It is helpful if a parent/guardian can call the school to let us know that a child will be absent or tardy, however, a written excuse is still required upon the child's return to school.
Schaeffer Quick Facts
- Approximately 320 students, K-4
- Approximately 50 faculty and staff members
- Approximately 60% of Schaeffer students walk to school
- Schaeffer Elementary was renovated in 2003
- With the implementation of NCLB, Schaeffer Elementary School has met the Adequately Yearly Progress (AYP) for student achievement in the PSSA assessments since 2002