At MTMS, student placement into teams and sections is done randomly, except where learning support, math, world language, or literacy needs dictate a particular team. Within teams, heterogeneous grouping is commonly used for instructional purposes, with ability grouping in some reading and math classes. Sections are typically regrouped each period to provide students with maximum exposure to other students on the team. If necessary, teams may alter individual section placements to improve student performance.
Teams provide teachers with an opportunity to meet and work with the same students during the school day. Teachers provide valuable help during the year in a number of ways in addition to delivering instruction and facilitating student learning. They help students to understand homework, complete special assignments, learn rules and procedures, and to resolve certain problems that students encounter.
Students’ progress is indicated on the end-of-marking period report card in terms of their achievement in each course.
The Achievement grade will be recorded as:
A+ | 97 – 100 % | C+ | 77 – 79% | P | Pass | |
A | 93 – 96% | C | 73 – 76% | F | Fail | |
A- | 90 – 92% | C- | 70 – 72% | M | Medical Excuse | |
B+ | 87 – 89% | D+ | 67 – 69% | I | Incomplete | |
B | 83 – 86% | D | 63 – 66% | NG | No Grade | |
B- | 80 – 82% | D- | 60 – 62% | |||
F | Below 60% |
All failing grades will be accompanied by comments on the report card explaining the reason for the “F”. An “Incomplete” grade is issued only with administrative or counselor approval when an extended illness or extenuating family circumstance warrant. Incomplete work must be made up within ten school days after the end of the marking period. If incomplete work is not made up, a student will receive a zero for work not submitted. Zeroes are factored into existing grades to determine the final marking period average.
In addition to Achievement grades, students also receive Effort Comments.
Students may earn honor roll designations based on their academic performance each marking period. At MTMS, students are eligible to earn First Honor Roll and Second Honor Roll based on a student’s Numeric Grade Average (NGA). An NGA bases all issued grades on a 100-point scale. To be eligible for the First Honor Roll, a student must have a marking period NGA of 90% or higher with no grade lower than an 80% in any subject. To be eligible for the Second Honor Roll a student must have a marking period NGA of 80%-89% with no grade lower than a 70% in any subject.
Achievement of district and state standards plays an important part in determining promotion. In borderline cases, the presence or absence of sufficient effort can be a determining factor. However, the “Final Grade” on the report card essentially represents an Achievement grade. (Policy #215)
Generally, failing two or more core academic subjects results in retention. Summer school is available for students who wish to make-up failed classes and avoid retention.
If there is doubt concerning the student’s promotion, each of the student’s teachers will make an independent recommendation, and the principal will make the final decision on the basis of all the recommendations. Emphasis will be placed on those subjects necessary for continued progress in the school system as a result of their sequential nature.