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Healthy Roster Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Healthy Roster?

Healthy Roster is a HIPAA compliant Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system that the Manheim Township Athletic Trainers have been utilizing for the past two years to document injuries. It provides a space to keep track of all injuries and treatments as well as secure storage for clearance and participation notes from an athlete's physicians.

Why Do I Need to Create a Healthy Roster Account?

The MTSD Athletics Department has moved to electronic submission of all PIAA CIPPE (physical) forms. (physicals). Parents of athletes participating in a PIAA sport must follow the instructions in the Step by Step guide for creating their account and then follow the instructions for submitting the PIAA physical. This is done through Healthy Roster and all We will no longer be accepting paper copies, or emailed/faxed copies.

What Else Will I Use Healthy Roster For?

Healthy Roster will allow parents/guardians access to seeing all injuries documented by the Athletic Trainers. You will stay up to date on their injury and return process and will also be able to message the Athletic Trainers directly through the app/website should you have any questions regarding an injury or treatment. Additionally, if your athlete sees a physician for an injury, and we ask you to provide a clearance note, you may scan it directly into the web app yourself!

How Do I Create An Account For Healthy Roster?

Parents of incoming 7th graders, or older students who have never participated in a PIAA sport will need to sign up for a Healthy Roster account to upload their paperwork. Please visit the step by step guide on the website for instructions.

I Filled Out The Healthy Roster Sign Up Form, What's Next?

It will take about a week for the Athletic Training Staff to get your invitation code sent to you via email due to limited office hours. If you have not received your access code email within one week of submitting the form, please reach out to

Who Will Be Able to View My Athlete’s Injuries?

In addition to the athletic trainers, our School District Physician Dr. Brandon Eck and our Team Orthopedic Physician Dr. Kathryne Stabile will have provider access in Healthy Roster. Your athlete’s coaches will have limited access to Healthy Roster which includes viewing their current injuries, their participation status, and emergency contact information. The MTSD Athletic Director, Athletics Administrative Assistant, and Supervisor for Health Services will also have access to Healthy Roster in order to complete administrative tasks. Should a parent or guardian not wish some of these individuals to have access to their athlete's Healthy Roster account, the parent or guardian may remove their access. However, should a parent remove access from these individuals, it will alter our ability to provide the best care to their athlete. If you have concerns or questions, please contact the Athletic Trainers.

I Already Have A Healthy Roster Account From Last School Year, Now What?

If you created a Healthy Roster account in a previous school year for your athlete to participate in a PIAA sport at Manheim Township, all you need to do is log in and complete this year’s physical forms. If you need assistance with uploading the sections of the PIAA Physical, please read through the Step by Step Guide for uploading the PIAA Physical available on the MTSD Athletics Website.

I Have Multiple Children Participating in PIAA Sports, Do I Need Multiple Accounts?

As long as you use the same email address when signing up for Healthy Roster access for each child, you will be able to see all of your children within that one log-in. You must complete the sign up form for each child in order to gain access to that child’s profile.

Why Do Coaches Need To View My Athlete’s Portal?

Allowing the coaching staff access into your athlete’s portal is vital for successful utilization of Healthy Roster. Should your athlete be injured and in need of emergency care at an away game, and parent/guardian is not present, coaching staff will be able to quickly find parent contact information on the app and call you immediately. Should parents remove coaches' access, the coach will not be able to locate the emergency contact information.

Coaches access is also important for ensuring proper communication regarding injury status between coaching staff and the Athletic Trainers. If Athletic Trainers note “athlete is cleared to play” and a coach does not get that update, it may decrease your athlete’s playing time. Conversely, it also ensures that athletes who are “Not Cleared” are not participating.

Have Questions, or Need Help Help with Creating your Healthy Roster Account?

Visit the MT Athletics web page and browse through all the documents, and the Step by Step Guide for creating your account!

Need More Help?

Email Stephanie Haefele, Head Athletic Trainer at

Home Healthy Roster Healthy Roster Frequently Asked Questions
Healthy Roster
Healthy Roster Frequently Asked Questions