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Title I

Title I is a program of the United States Department of Education. The funds provided by the Title I program target academically disadvantaged students by helping them to meet high standards. Manheim Township School District uses federal Title I funds to provide supplemental services including the Reading Lab, the Math Lab, Strategic Literacy classes, instructional coaching for teachers, parent workshops and trainings, and staffing for specially designed courses. Some of the funds are also used for materials and technology for Title I students in their traditional classes. These services are provided to students in need at our high school and middle school.

Title I Contacts

As part of Title I regulations, any parent has a right to request and receive information on the professional qualifications of his or her child’s teacher. If you are interested in requesting this information or for more information about Title I in general, including our parent and family engagement policy, parent trainings or workshops, assessments, and/or funding opportunities, please contact:

Dr. Christine Resh

Middle School

Mrs. Laura Rakoczy

Assistant Principal
High School

Mrs. Jessica O'Gorman

Supervisor of ELA
and Federal Programs

Parent & Family Engagement

Manheim Township values parent and family input and engagement, and we encourage you to become involved in your student’s education. Please check back here in the near future to complete our Parent & Family Engagement survey. More information about parent and family engagement can also be found in our Parent and Family Engagement Plan, our Parent-District Compact, and our Parent-School Compact which are both available via the download links on this page.

Non-Public School Information

Our program for non-public school students is coordinated through the IU 13. If you have questions about the non-public program, please contact Dr. Raluca Snyder at (717) 606-1685. The complaint procedure for non-public students is available via the download links on this page.

Title I Paraprofessional

Instructional paraprofessionals employed in a Title I school-wide building or working in a program supported with Title I funds must have a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent. Additionally, they must meet ONE of the requirements listed below:

  • An associate degree or higher; or
  • Completed at least two years of postsecondary study (48 credits); or
  • The successful completion of a state or locally developed assessment in reading, writing, and mathematics.
  • Note: Title I paraprofessionals who serve as translators or who only conduct parental involvement activities must have a secondary diploma or its equivalent, but do not have to meet the additional requirements.