Spring 2023 PSSA Information Grades 3-8
Posted on March 27, 2023
Greetings Manheim Township Grade 3-8 Students & Parents/Guardians:
When will the PSSA Exams occur?
Below is a listing of test dates that will take place in each of our K-8 buildings this spring. Exams for our students, as well as makeup exams, will be administered during the normal school day.
- April 25-27
- Grades 3-8 – ELA
- May 2-3
- Grades 3-8 – Math
- May 4-5
- Grades 4 & 8- Science
- May 2-12
- Make-Ups
- May 22-23
- Grades 7 & 8 – Algebra Keystones
If a student is absent during a testing block, he or she will be required to make up the test during a designated make-up time that will be communicated by the building principal.
Does my student need to test?
All students in grades 3-8 will need to take the online PSSAs in English Language Arts, Math, and Science (4th & 8th grades only).
**IMPORTANT: This requirement also applies to all Manheim Township Students including students enrolled in the Manheim Township Virtual Academy (MTVA).
Can my student opt-out of testing?
Parents do have the right to opt their student(s) out of taking the PSSAs. Under Chapter 4 of Title 22 of the Pa. Code, the only basis for a parents/guardians to excuse their child from the statewide assessments is that they find the PSSA to be in conflict with their religious beliefs. Parents who wish to opt their student out of the PSSAs must follow these steps:
- Parents/Guardians must review the test materials and sign a confidentiality agreement. Please reach out to your building principal to set up a time to review the materials.
- Write a letter to the attention of Dr. Robin Felty, MTSD Superintendent, and include the student’s full name, building, grade level, and scheduled PSSA subject(s). You will submit this letter to your student’s building principal (see #5).
- The request must state the parent/guardian does not want their child tested because the test conflicts with their religious belief; and,
- Include a parent/guardian signature, address, email, and telephone number.
- Submit this letter to your student’s building principal (via email or drop the letter off at your student’s school), prior to the scheduled test administration date, by Friday, April 21, 2023, at the latest.
Where does my MTVA student report for testing?
Manheim Township Virtual Academy students should report to school at the time as communicated by the building principal. The building principal will share this information to MTVA students in the near future. These students will be assigned to a testing time and location.
Manheim Township Virtual Academy will be dismissed at the conclusion of testing and will need to be picked up by a parent/guardian.
Other Important Information about the PSSA Exams:
- The PSSA will be taken on the students’ iPads. Students will need to bring their iPad fully charged on all testing days. Students should also bring their chargers just in case they need to charge them during the test administration.
- Please note that iPads may be kept at school during testing days to be sure the devices are properly charged for the testing session. If iPads will not be coming home on PSSA testing days, this will be communicated by your student’s teacher.
- All students are permitted as much time as they need to complete each test section.
- Possession of other electronic devices (cell phones, smart watches, etc.) is prohibited and could result in tests being invalidated. If any test material is compromised, students/families could be held responsible for the cost of replacing compromised test items.
- More information on the PSSA exam, including frequently asked questions and information about electronic devices, can be found on the district’s website at
If you or your student have any other questions or concerns about the PSSA exams, please contact your student’s principal. Building-specific information, including schedules, will be distributed closer to the date(s) of the actual assessments.