The following letters were sent home to all parents on Monday, March 16 via email. There are two communications below: a communication for secondary parents and a communication for parents K-6.
Dear MTMS and MTHS Parents and Guardians,
As we focus on addressing the health and safety concerns of our students, staff, and school community members, I would like to share some information on how we plan to support the academic needs of our students during this time outside of school. In addition, administrators continue to plan for our students to return to school on March 30, 2020, provided that Governor Wolf opens schools at that time. This is an unprecedented situation that is going to require flexibility and patience from all.
During this initial school closure, we will not be actively engaging our students in new learning or proceeding with the curriculum, even in an online format. No new assignments, readings, or assessments will be given to students.
Teachers may grade and return (electronically) student work that was submitted prior to the closure, and students may submit work that might have been assigned prior to the closure with a pre-established deadline that falls between March 16 and March 30. However, no student will be penalized for missing a deadline during this closure.
Teachers will work with the students to establish timelines for extensions on missed work, reteaching, individual help, and support in the completion of assignments, and new due dates for the remainder of the school year.
Teachers may be posting optional activities, readings, or videos on their Schoology pages to support student learning, however, these are not required and will not be graded. Teachers are also reviewing their curriculum for the remainder of the school year. They will be reducing their coverage of the content to the basic foundational skills needed for students to move on to the next grade level or sequential course.
We are currently waiting to hear more from the Pennsylvania Department of Education regarding the upcoming PSSA tests and Keystone exams. Similarly, we are waiting for updates from the College Board and the International Baccalaureate program regarding end of year AP and IB Exams. Please be assured that we will be continually evaluating this situation and making decisions with the most up to date information. As soon as we have updates on this information, we will be in touch with you.
Please reassure your son or daughter that the school district is working hard to evaluate information from our state and local resources in order to plan for student learning.
Thank you for your patience and support during this challenging time. Please contact your student’s building principal with any questions.
Dear MTSD K-6 Parents/Guardians,
As we focus on addressing the health and safety concerns of all of our students, staff, and school community members, I would like to share some information about how we plan to support the academic and social-emotional needs of our students during this time outside of school. In addition, administrators continue to plan for our students to return to school on March 30, 2020, provided that Governor Wolf opens schools at that time.
While we are out of school over the next two weeks, we will not be assigning required work or homework to be completed. Instead, we will be offering a choice of academic and social-emotional activities that our students can participate in at home. We recognize that many of our families will appreciate the ideas and resources that we offer as we will be providing a multitude of activities that take into consideration the varying levels of student needs as well as the access that our families may or may not have to resources during this time.
On Wednesday (3/18/20), we will be sharing a list of various optional learning activities and opportunities for our students and families. We are hopeful that this list of ideas offers resources for you and your child(ren) during this time. Additionally, we are currently waiting to hear more from the Pennsylvania Department of Education regarding the upcoming PSSA tests. As soon as we have an update, we will be keeping you informed.
Please be assured that we will be continually evaluating this situation and making decisions with the most up to date information. Thank you for your patience and support during this challenging time. Please contact your student’s building principal with any questions.