Happy Fall Reidenbaugh Hoppers!
It has been a very busy first marking period here at Reidenbaugh! We hope that you have enjoyed it as much as the teachers. The first marking period ended on Thursday, November 2nd and report cards will be going home on Thursday, November 18th.
A big congratulations to the students listed below. They are the “pledge winners” for the month of October. The teachers nominated these students because they live out the Reidenbaugh Pledge. These students had lunch with the “Fun Lunch Bunch” this past Tuesday.
Eilley Morrill
Daniel Tran
Kevin Garriga
Peter Scott
Aimee Ortiz
Danny Vaughn
Grayson Forman
Connor Coxey
Lexyss Valle
Shreya Sehgal
Nathan Fletcher
Jabari Mitchell
Ella Wasdworth
Rowan Crispeno
Amna Masood
Kate Palumbo
Cole Kendig
Iain O’Brien
Carter Appleby
Every year we come together for our Annual Food Drive. Each classroom puts together a basket, which is then given to families in need over the Thanksgiving holiday. Flyers have been sent home with what you should contribute to your class basket. In addition to food, Giant gift cards and cash are needed to buy a frozen turkey for each family and any remaining food for baskets. Please send the item(s) into your class between November 6-10.
On November 10th we will be collecting Kids for a Cause. The donations that are contributed will go towards the Thanksgiving Food Baskets and the American Diabetes Association. Kids that donate are able to participate in Crazy Hat Day. Can’t wait to see all of the crazy hats!
Please keep in mind with the temperatures dropping to make sure your student is dressed appropriately for outdoor recess. We do continue to go outside for recess even when it is colder outside.
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and month of November!
Team Reidenbaugh