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October 2017 Newsletter

Posted on October 6, 2017

Happy October Reidenbaugh Hoppers!


We hope that you have enjoyed your first month back at Reidenbaugh Elementary; it has been such a fun and busy month. We have plenty of fun events coming up and some can be found listed below. We hope to see you all there.


A big congratulations to the students listed below. They are the “pledge winners” for the month of September. The teachers nominated these students because they live out the Reidenbaugh Pledge. These students had lunch with the “Fun Lunch Bunch.”


Graciela Carrasco

Kelly McDonald

Maggie Coons

Ayanna Nuon-Lozado

Felix Anderson

Jocelyn Torres

Amelia Rockwell

Alexandra Nachtigall

Ethan Zoltowski

Sydney Liang

Te’Avea Hogue

K-D Graham

Nick Drew

Sophia Panagopoulos

Charlie Sheehan

Joralys Torres Vazquez

Piper Landon

Mariam Boshra Yakoub

John Mendenhall


Race For Education is next week, October 12th! To make a tax deductible donation to our PTO go to and sponsor a student. Help us achieve our goal! The Race For Education schedule is listed below.


Kindergarten: 9:30-9:50
MDS and IU 9:45 -10:05
1st Grade: 9:55-10:15
4th Grade: 10:15-10:35
3rd Grade: 10:30-10:50
2nd Grade: 10:45-11:05


Red Ribbon week is from 10/23-10/27. Red Ribbon week is a week dedicated to teaching healthy choices and drug prevention in our schools and communities. We encourage all Reidenbaugh families and staff to help celebrate this week by taking time to talk to your children about the dangerous affects of alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs, and other harmful substances. More information on what we will be doing at Reidenbaugh Elementary will be sent home next week.


If your child wants to be a part of our 2017-2018 School Play: Madagascar please attend our Parent Meeting on 10/16 at 7PM in Room 104 to go over all of the information. Auditions for Madagascar will be from 9:30AM-3: 30PM on 10/28 in the auditorium.


Please keep in mind (although we don’t like thinking about it) that when the fall weather starts to approach to make sure your student is dressed appropriately for outdoor recess. We do continue to go outside for recess even when it is colder outside.


Hope everyone has a wonderful October!



Team Reidenbaugh